When a magical imp named Mxyzptlk arrives declaring his love for Kara, havoc comes with it for the citizens of National City. Warning, spoilers ahead…
Picking up where they left off in the previous episode, Mr. Mxyzptlk arrives in Kara’s apartment proposing marriage to a surprised Kara. Not taking no for an answer, Mxyzptlk sees this as a challenge. While Kara sees him as a fairly harmless annoyance, Mon-El looks at Mxyzptlk as a threat and suggest killing him as they did on Daxam. Kara doesn’t agree and wants to find a non-lethal way of ridding Mxyzptlk from this Earth.
To draw Kara out, Mxyzptlk summons Parasite to attack National City. This leads to one of the episode’s funniest moments with Mxy dressed as Superman. Mon-El also arrives to help fight off the Parasite and without realizing reveals that if anyone can get the imp to either say or spell their name backwards, they could vanish. This actually makes Kara mad seeing that Mon-El knew this but opted for killing Mxy instead. It’s clear how jealous Mon-El is of Mxy.
Later that night, Mxy arrives at the Fortress of Solitude all decked out and ready to marry Kara. When Kara arrives, she tells him that she isn’t marrying him. Now angered, Mxy tries to attack Kara who locks down the fortress and threatens to blow it up. The only way to stop the destruction is to enter a code. Seeing how serious Kara is, Mxy begs or the code. When she gives it to him and after he enters it to stop the countdown, he realizes that the code spelled his name backwards. This leads to his defeat and his banishment.
All in all, this was a very entertaining episode. Because of its Valentine’s day theme, this episode served more as a launching point for Kara and Mon-El to pursue a relationship. The chemistry between Benoist and Wood is so clear that it makes for wonderful banter. Let’s see how far this goes.
May the Dork be with you,
The Dork Knight