Yesterday I began the countdown looking at 25 through 21. Today, the countdown continues with numbers 20 through 16. Let the debate continue. 

“Is that it? Is that all you’ve got?” ~ Emil Blonsky AKA Abomination
20. Victor Creed (X-Men Origins), played by Liev Schreiber
I really like Liev Schreiber. I think he’s an underrated actor. He more than holds his own against Hugh Jackman’s Wolverine in X-Men Origins. I liked him so much that I wish he had appeared as Sabertooth in the Bryan Singer films. Victor Creed is certainly someone I wouldn’t want to meet in a dark alley.
19. Hector Hammond (Green Lantern), played by Peter Sarsgaard
A lot of negativity surrounds the Green Lantern movie. Some of it quite justifiable. But even through a lackluster script, Sarsgaard’s Hector Hammond was menacing and destructive. Much like Sandman in Spider-Man 3, Hammondis a reluctant villain. It wasn’t until he became a carrier of Parallax that all the bottled up rage and daddy issues surfaced. He was scary fun.
18. Mystique (X-Men), played by Rebecca Romijn
The first female to make the list but won’t be the last… wink, wink. Mystique is one of the all time great villains to ever appear in comics. She is a seductress beauty but she is also complex and very deadly. She is Magneto’s second and that alone says a lot.
17. Lex Luthor (Superman Returns), played by Kevin Spacey
It’s not easy stepping into Gene Hackman’s shoes when it comes to role of Lex Luthor. He set the bar pretty high and if I wasn’t only covering the last 25 years, Hackman would be on this list and fairly high at that. As for Spacey, his portrayal of Luthor may be closer to the comic version of recent times. He was both charming and maniacal, a scary combination for any villain.
16. Abomination (The Incredible Hulk), played by Tim Roth
After a less than stellar attempt by Ang Lee, a second Hulk film was made and starred Edward Norton in the title role. Tim Roth provided an excellent adversary as the military man turned monster, Abomination. The wonderful fight sequence in Harlem gave us a precursor of what was to come in The Avengers.
Ten down fifteen to go. See something you like or something you don’t, please let me know. This is an open discussion and I welcome your thoughts.
May the Dork be with you,

The Dork Knight
About The Dork Knight 520 Articles
James aka “The Dork Knight” is a blogger and writer based out of Upstate New York. For James, it all started with a long time ago in a galaxy far, far away… when he dragged his mom to see The Empire Strikes Back 10 weeks in a row. He lives and breathes nerd culture. James is proof that a Star Wars fanatic can be a passionate Trekkie as well. So much so James dressed up as Captain Kirk to the premiere of Star Trek VI in 1991 and still has the uniform. When it comes to Comic Books, Sci-Fi or Fantasy whether in print or digital, in the theatre or on my TV screen, I’m all about it and I love it. So bring your Phaser (set to stun), Lightsaber, Sonic Screwdriver, a Wand, Mjolnir or the Ring to rule them all, because this site is for the dork in all of us.